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Green Fields

Save on Energy use
& CO2 emissions

A community working together, has the power to make a positive impact. Our expertise will help save you money and increase the comfort of your home.

Average household energy spend is €4000 per year.

Residential and Transport make up 80% of the total energy demand

The Energy Master Plan (EMP) focused on areas of energy demand where the community may have a direct impact such as energy use in our homes, our transport decisions, and energy demand in our workplaces and community facilities.


Demand from large consumers such as Eli Lilly which has established energy management procedures, and has installed a 5MW solar farm, is excluded.  Nor did we include our energy footprint arising from our consumption of food, goods, and foreign travel. We also did not look at air quality improvements from changing our energy sources and the inherent health benefits.


Targets in the Programme for Government (2020) include an average 7% annual reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over the years 2021-2030, which equates to a reduction of 51% over the decade. These are ambitious but necessary targets and are reiterated in the Climate Bill 2021. Energy-related emissions have been estimated at 4 tonnes CO2 for each local resident.


To achieve 7% emissions reduction, we have to realise a 3,520 tonnes CO2 reduction in one year.  In the work we have outlined to do in Year 1 we would reduce our emissions by 260 tonnes – this is a gap of over 90%.  Clearly, we need support to do more!


A trajectory model for energy efficiency and renewables was prepared as part of the EMP which shows the potential of the area to become energy independent within the study boundary after energy efficiency measures are undertaken.​.

7% reduction in emissions needed annually

KCEP are focused on helping our community to access grants to help upgrade homes to be more energy efficient.

Available grants

Let us help you navigate the SEAI grants available to improve the comfort of your home.

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