Sample Case Study

Energy Audits Available

Small changes to make a diference
Positive changes
Improve our energy efficiency to reduce our energy costs while making our homes and properties more comfortable.
There is considerable opportunity to improve the energy efficiency of the local housing stock. A Sample Case Study is shown, and the list of Energy Audits carried out as part of the EMP. These are all freely available through KCEP and in Kinsale Library.
One action we could take to make a significant impact on transport energy demand in Kinsale would be to simply walk or cycle more. Cork County Council and other local initiatives are working to make our roads, and our town and villages, safer for the non-vehicle user. We could advocate for innovative public transport solutions. As a first step, wouldn’t it be great to see the cost of taking the bus to Cork being cheaper than driving? An electric vehicle will reduce emissions and fossil energy consumption. So, if you are buying a new car consider an EV. More charging facilities need to be in place, however. KCEP is supporting the Kinsale Trails Feasibility Study.
The total renewable energy potential for the area was outlined as 87.5GWh per annum. At current value this would mean €9.68M being generated in the local economy instead of being spent on imported fuels.
KCEP is currently promoting Solar RE projects in the area.
TTK has previously found that the production of biogas from anaerobic digestion would be feasible.
The potential for electricity generated from wind as outlined could be five 3.5MW turbines located in the P17 area.
How can we do it
Residential Retrofit
1. Group Purchase Schemes for retrofit and renewable energy technologies (set up in 2020).
2. Better Energy Community Grant (BEC) Applications to include the deep retrofit of homes, local business and other community buildings (Energy Audits of 25 exemplar houses - BEC application made 2021).
3. The Bigger Picture
Establishment of a Community Retrofit Scheme.
1. Working with Kinsale Trails, Kinsale Loves Bikes and local schools to advocate for improved walking and cycling routes in our villages and town as well as interconnecting routes (Kinsale Trails Feasibility Study 2021).
2. Advocating for innovative public transport solutions.
3. The Bigger Picture
Policy and Facilities for EV. - Innovative public transport for rural areas
Sustainable Business and Tourism
1. Improving the energy efficiency of the commercial sector through BEC grant funding (Energy Audits of 3 local businesses - BEC application 2021).
2. Feasibility Study for the development of green cycle and walking routes and a Blueway – Greenway as a flagship project for sustainable tourism (Kinsale Trails Feasibility Study 2021).
3. The Bigger Picture
Scope Kinsale’s Sustainable Tourism Brand and develop a plan for its delivery alongside key stakeholders such as the Chamber of Tourism and Business and Fáilte Ireland.
1. Facilitate knowledge sharing to enable adoption of energy efficiency measures on local farms (Energy Audit of Local Dairy Farm).
2. The Bigger Picture
Develop an agro-forestry project (Kinsale College) - Engagement of farmers with renewable energy projects.
Developing Local Renewables
1. Group purchase scheme for Solar PV in partnership with a local solar PV provider (Scheme set up in 2020).
2. Promotion of rooftop solar arrays on community buildings as part of a BEC application
3. The Bigger Picture
Revisit the anaerobic digester project and make progress in identifying a site and exploring models for community ownership.
Grants available
Click here to view details of SEAI grants available to make energy saving upgrades to your home.